Hi Para-Friends!

This page is dedicated to all the wonderful paranormal groups out there!

We all have something to offer to the field and to other investigators. You never know what you will learn by watching other teams at work, or even visiting their website.

On this page I will share team website information and paranormal blogs!

I will also be “showcasing” local teams.  This will give you a chance to show the paranormal community how your awesome team operates!  This is a free service. My group will simply shadow and film your team during an investigation (pre-investigation meeting, investigation, evidence review process) It’s a way to get your voice out there and to share your wonderful team qualities.

If you believe your team is honest, ethical and unique, and would like to be featured or showcased on our website,  please send us an email with your team info and website for review. ghostgirlparanormal@gmail.com

Happy Haunting!